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Who am I? I am just like you. I have experienced many of the sleep problems that I write about myself. Sleep apnea, sleep deprivation, acid reflux, leg pain and insomnia just to name a few.
Now at retirement, with decades of experiencing sleep problems, I decided to know more about them and find solutions that I could use to sleep more and sleep better.
This site is for you if you have trouble sleeping or staying asleep. It could be a few nights of lost sleep or you could have a long term lack of sleep.
Maybe you don’t have good quality sleep. Perhaps you suspect you might have a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Would you like to learn more so you can have a discussion with your doctor?
You might also be looking for tips to improve how you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer without waking in the middle of the night.
Are you interested in how your medical conditions or medications affect your sleep?
Last of all you might be looking for a few resources or products that you can trust to aid your ability to go to sleep if you don’t think your sleep problem is at a level requiring a doctor at the moment.
I want to be completely transparent that while I strive to provide as much detailed and relevant information for you about sleep, what affects it, and how it affects your health, that my hope is when you do need to make a purchase you might make it through links on my site to help support my research and upkeep of the site.
My opinions are based on experience and research and I don’t get paid to write about a product or service, but I do earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
A little more about me and why you should trust me……..
Table of Contents
Why do I want to help
I have spent years dealing with sleep issues and being treated for them as well as a lot of research. Insomnia, sleep apnea, depression and restless legs are personal issues that have affected my sleep.
If you suffer from insomnia like I do you are struggling through your day looking for a way to go to sleep or worse, taking something to stay awake because you couldn’t sleep the night before. The cycle starts again.
The need to sleep is universal and unavoidable. As I struggle often with this problem myself, I am passionate about finding and providing solutions to help you go to sleep, stay asleep, sleep longer and wake refreshed. .
Why? I know how it feels to be sleepy all day after having disrupted sleep at night or just plain not being able to sleep.
I will strive to provide information to identify symptoms, causes, treatments, and resources so you can get the sleep you need. I will also cover sleep disorders and medical conditions that affect sleep as well as try to weed out if home sleep remedies and other methods have any value to help you sleep.
How can I help you
Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions located at the end of each post. Let me know what you are looking for. If I don’t have an answer immediately I will research and find it for you.
A little about myself
Years ago I started a side business along with my day job. Soon I was working from 2 AM until 10 at night. This started a chain of events where I didn’t allow myself enough sleep or kept an erratic sleep schedule from juggling work and life.
I could not get enough quality sleep to feel well rested. I could not concentrate at work and would be constantly drowsy and often struggle to stay awake driving. Although I would return to working only one job and to a regular schedule, my body and my mind struggled to get back to normal.
My wife was a manager of a fast food restaurant with an ever changing schedule. She would work from 2 AM until late in the day and would still get calls into the late night with problems she needed to solve to keep her store running smoothly. That didn’t help her sleep well either.
After some years my wife had me bring up my sleep problems with my doctor because she said I would stop breathing at night. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and that brought a whole new dimension to trying to feel rested and energized each day.
She talked with her doctor as well and he gave recommendations to help her sleep as she had been unable to get good sleep because of her busy schedule.
We had to learn why we couldn’t get to sleep or couldn’t stay asleep. That’s when we found some answers.
The More You Know about sleep
A world full of sleepy people doesn’t make for a good social life. Our relationships improved when we weren’t so tired all the time because our time together had a better quality . We could actually stay up and entertain friends as well. Maybe we could all benefit from better social time with our family and friends.
So now I share what I learn to help other people get sleep at night. This helps my family too, because I learn more each day and the more you know about the problem the better you can get the sleep you need. We all could use a little more more sleep.
We all have the need to sleep
When I sleep better I perform better at work. You can too. Better sleepĀ improves your ability to think more clearly and take quicker action because you are more alert and feel better.
It improves our health and immune system. And in my life it definitely increases the amount of quality time I have in my day to spend with family and friends.
I watch for news and developments as well as time tested ways to improve the quality of my sleep. I hope they can help you too.
All the best,